The Nation’s Leading Fundraiser
EMI Fundraising offers the most profitable fundraising products for high school and little league sports, bands, and groups.
EMI Fundraising offers the most profitable fundraising products for high school and little league sports, bands, and groups.
I sold over 800 cards in 90 minutes this morning!”
– Elkins High School Band

Little LeaguesMusic & BandsFootball TeamsSoccer TeamsBooster ClubsBaseball Teams
Little LeaguesMusic & BandsFootball TeamsSoccer TeamsBooster ClubsBaseball Teams
Meet Our Most Popular Fundraising Products for Teams, Leagues and Groups

Fundraising Discount Cards
- Fundraising discount cards are our most popular, most profitable fundraising product
Various card options and styles
We secure all of the local deals for you
Sell in-person and/or sell online with our included sales portal

Sports Passes
Raise pre-season money
Control gate admission
- Expand sales with family passes

License Plates
Customized with your colors and mascot
- Durable and thick .050 gauge poly-plastic
Perfect for year-round fundraising

Pizza Cards
Quick and easy fundraiser
Multiple pizza chains to choose from and often includes an immediately redeemable free pizza

Window Decals
- An easy way for any group to make a quick $2,000 profit
- Durable, weather-resistant polyurethane clear decals

Sell Direct
+ Online
Calculate Your Potential Discount Card Profits:
“Our card is the best in the business. After 4 years, we have doubled our fundraising. We have people requesting our card now! Our community would be upset if we didn’t sell this product.”
Greenwood High School Football
“Thank you. I sold over 800 cards in 90 minutes this morning. Wow!”
Elkins Fighting Tigers Band
“Thanks for putting this together for us this year. We’ve been selling cards for about ten years, and this is the best package we’ve ever had.”
Jeb Stuart High School Football
No money down. We secure all of the deals. You keep the profits.
No money down. We secure all of the deals. You keep the profits.